Where Are We Now?

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” - Martin Buber

We have satellite tracking via Iridium Go in addition to our Garmin inReach device. 

Click below to go to either tracking page to see where on earth we are in REAL TIME, RIGHT NOW! 

2023 UPDATE:

So far, we’ve visited the Galapagos Islands for a couple months, and made our way across the big blue Pacific to French Polynesia!  Plans for the rest of this year are to explore French Polynesia (Marquesas, Tuamotus, Tahiti, Bora Bora, etc.) and then continue across toward Fiji.  We haven’t decided everywhere we want to visit, but possibilities include: Cook Islands, American Samoa, Tonga, and/or Wallis & Futuna.  We hope to end the year in Fiji.

Check back often to see our progress!

And, of course, let us know if you’re in the area.

Note:  Our Garmin InReach was not working between St. Croix and Cartagena. 

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