The Crew

"The traveler was active; he went strenuously in search of people, of adventure, of experience.  The tourist is passive; he expects interesting things to happen to him.  He goes 'sight-seeing'." - Daniel J. Boorstin

Bill & Dannalie Saunders set a goal over 15 years ago to retire early and travel the world on a sailboat.  Their son Drew just finished his master's degree and is going to sail with them for a year or so.  Learn more about them below...

Your Travelers

These are the humans who make the boat go.  Click on each to learn all about the crew of S/V Caterpillar.

links coming soon!




Part-Time Crew

These are the humans who come to visit on occasion and crew for a little while.  Maybe they had to go back to work, or maybe we made them walk the plank.  All we know is that it was fun while it lasted.  See who they are and what the hell they were thinking getting on our boat.

Tom Boyd

Paige Boyd


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