First real blog post

Wow, it’s been such a long journey to get to finally get to the point where we are ready to launch our website, and more importantly to get to work on getting Caterpillar ready to inch along.  So many emotions… so much work to do.

In getting ready to make our first blog post, SO many things are flooding my mind.  So many things that I want to say and share.  Gee, I could write a book right here right now!  But I have to control myself.  We’re “inching” around the world.  Let’s take it one “leg” at a time.  I guess I’ll just start with what we’re up to right now.

We just arrived in Annapolis MD for the fall sailboat show.  We are going to spend the first few days checking out all of the exhibits and see what kind of cool gear we want to add to Caterpillar.  Then we are registered for what they call “Cruisers University” which is a fancy way of saying they have a whole bunch of seminars and “classes” on all kinds of things related to sailing and cruising.

Looking forward also to meeting lots of new friends who might also be out there sailing soon!  You never know when you might need to call another boat over for a rescue … you know … if you run out of cold beer or something.